Thursday, January 24, 2008

Craft Lesson 2

Learning our Culture


Children should start to recognize their different cultures and realize that America is a melting pot. With this activity I think it will help them realize a little better that our Independence Day is important.

How to teach it

I will read Janet Wong’s book Apple Pie 4th of July and begin by asking a few children what they do on the Fourth of July. I will give the kids a small piece of poster board and we will paint a flag on it. If the kids have originated from a different country they may paint that flag. I will give the children a handout; which I will go over with them; that has a series of questions on it.
1. What do you do on July 4th?
2. What is your favorite pie?
3. Do you watch fireworks?
4. Would you eat Chinese food on the Fourth of July??
The paper will be in four sections with enough room for them to draw a picture of their response underneath. After they are done they may share what they like to do on July 4th. We will then hang them in the hall for all of their classmates to see!

Resource Materials: Applie Pie 4th of July by: Janet Wong


Courtney Forbess said...

Such a great craft idea! I would of never thought of having students draw their ideas out as well. Such a great way to tie in student's creativity.

Tamara Clay said...

I never thought about the book being taught as a craft. This is a great way for the children to have a hands on experience