Monday, February 11, 2008

Minn and Jake Craft Lesson

Wong, Janet. Minn and Jake. New York: Farrar, 2003.

I thought Minn and Jake was a great book for fifth graders. It explores how difficult it is for this age group to form solid friendships.This age group could really relate to the characters and the attitudes they portray towards certain events. Being in fifth grade is such an akward I thought to pick something akward out of this book and have fun with it.

I would like to read this book as a read aloud in class over the course of about one week. After we finish the book the students will draw which animal they see themselves as. It can be whatever they choose! It can even be a made up animal, but, if they choose to do that they have to explain what the animal is and why it suits them. After they have finished drawing they are going to color their animal and write a paragraph on why they see themselves as that animal! I think this would help them identify with how Minn feels and how akward this time can be. This assignment would get their imaginations working and help them in their creative writing!

1 comment:

Courtney Forbess said...

I love this craft lessons! When he pictured everyone in the book as a certain animal was definitely one of my favorite parts of the book. I think it would be one of the student's favorite parts as well. The craft lesson does a great job incorporating the book into a lesson.