Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Many Colored Days Craft Lesson

Seuss, Dr. My Many Colored Days. Illus. Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. New York: Random House, 1996.

I think this is a great book for the younger grades. It goes through emotions that young kids feel but might not know how to express. It is wonderful how the young boy associates his emotions with not only a color, but also an object or an animal.
How to Teach It
I will start this activity by reading the book "My Many Colored Days" aloud to the class. After we finish reading this book, I am going to have the students decide how they feel on each day of the week. I will have them make a book out of construction paper just like "My Many Colored Days". I will get construction paper and staple it to look like a book. Each day the students will decide how they feel and then pick the color they think goes with that feeling. For example, if they are happy they can pick yellow and draw a bright sun! At the end of the week they will have a book just like the Dr. Seuss book to take home and share with their family.

1 comment:

Courtney Forbess said...

I love this craft lesson! I think it is great that they are able to make a book and take it home. I know that my parents loved seeing things I made in class.