Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Read Aloud 1 and Journal

Sendak, Maurice. Where The Wild Things Are. Harper Collins Publishers, 1963.

The book I choose to read is “Where The Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. This was one of my favorite books as a kid and one of the few I remember very specifically. I feel like every child should hear it at least once and is my hopes that they enjoy it as much as I did.
I am going to be reading this to a group of Pre Kindergarteners that I look after in the afternoons. They are a rowdy group of boys so I am hoping they will be able to identify with the main character and the ruckus he causes. This is mainly a book about a child’s wild imagination! I want to show these kids that having an active imagination is great and it is a good way to come up with great ideas. For kids being able to go into a far off land and pretend they are in a world of monsters is amazing and every child should have to opportunity to imagine whatever they can. Great ideas come from an imagination!

I brought this book to read to three rowdy boys that I thought would be able to identify with the main character and his mischief. I was definitely right on them being able to relate to Max. They thought this book was hilarious and only one of them had heard of it before. All of them really enjoyed how Max dressed up in his wolf suit when he wanted to create ruckus; and one of them even shared how he has a superman cape that he puts on at his house and makes his baby sister be his sidekick!
I really enjoyed reading this book to these boys. I could see that they really enjoyed it and were anxious for me to turn each page. After I got done with the reading I gave each boy a piece of paper and crayons and told them they could draw whatever they wanted. I did this to see how active their imaginations were. One little boy drew himself on a motorcycle with his pet jellyfish. He drew a dinosaur next to it and had a whole story about how the dinosaur was going to eat them, and his jellyfish would sting it and kill it and save his life.
I obviously didn’t tell them I wanted them to get that having an active imagination is good, but I could tell that they had it. Each boy was so creative and I saw they really liked this book and everything Max imagined he was doing! I personally feel like having an active imagination is good and it is something that should be carried on, not stopped when we get older.

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