Monday, March 17, 2008

Read Aloud Plan 2

Pennypacker, S. Stuart's Cape. Illus. Martin Matje. New York NY: Scholastic/Orchard Books, 2002.
For my second read aloud, I plan on reading Stuart's Cape to a little boy in late third grade. This little boy has a very active imagination so I am hoping that he really enjoys this book. It is my hopes that he can somewhat identify with Stuart and enjoys his adventures. I am going to read aloud to him, but I would also like him to join in on the reading. I am really hoping he likes this story as much as I did!

I read this book to a little boy in third grade. I started out by reading the first couple pages and then asked him if he wanted to read a little. He was more than willing, and I think he really enjoyed reading to me! I decided not to read the book straight though in one day because I wanted him to participate as much as possible. Instead, I read it over about three days, each day asking him to recap what we had previously read. I was very surprised at his reading level. Although, I did help him through a few words he read very well and also comprehended the parts he read. I am really glad that I let him read and didn’t do it all myself. I also think he truly enjoyed being the one reading and making me listen!
After we finished reading I asked him what he thought of the book. I was very pleasantly surprised at how much he liked it. This little boy has such an active imagination and loves the idea of “superheroes”. He can even entertain himself by making two dirt clods into monsters that are destroying the world! He told me the part he enjoyed the most about Stuart’s Cape was when Stuart discovered he could fly, and his Aunt had to feed him Pound Cake to get him down! He said he also liked it when Stuart slept on toast because he wants his bed to be a racecar instead of a regular bed! After we finished the book I asked him if he could have any special power what it would be; his reply was that he wanted to be invisible so he could sneak in his sister’s room and scare her! I personally have no doubt this is exactly what he would do!

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